Tuesday, May 20, 2014

How To Get A Good Night's Sleep When You Have Sleep Apnea

How To Get A Good Night's Sleep When You Have Sleep Apnea
Anyone with sleep apnea is probably dying to be able to rid themselves of the problem. The one thing that doesn't change between cases of sleep apnea is that a person needs knowledge in order to understand his treatment options. The tips and advice in the article below provide a great foundation for anyone interested in learning more.

Speak with your doctor about treating your sleep apnea with a dental mouth piece. Sleep apnea can be magnified in effects by small jaws and recessed chins, as well as breathing passageways that are naturally narrow. Special mouthpieces can help to maintain proper alignment while you sleep, allowing you to rest much better.

Playing with some wind instruments can help get rid of your sleep apnea. German researchers suggest playing the didgeridoo regularly trains your upper airway muscles. You can stiffen your throat muscles which will help them get more air to flow through them. This means that if you practice regularly, you will notice a reduction in sleep apnea symptoms and snoring.

Eating well can help you become thinner, which can often reduce sleep apnea symptoms. It's surprising how much an unhealthy diet can affect sleep apnea. People who do not eat well, or are overweight, may suffer from sleep apnea.

Going to sleep on your side may be beneficial. Sleeping on your back is attributed to a lot of people who suffer with sleep apnea. When you sleep on your back, tissue can block your throat and airways. Sleeping on your side makes breathing significantly easier. Prop pillows on one side to prevent you from rolling on your back while sleeping.

Swear off sleeping pills. You will relax your throat muscles this way and you will not get as much from your sleep. Having a bad sleep apnea case could make these pills a dangerous option. It may be tempting to use these pills to sleep better, but it's not worth the risk.

Anyone trying to cope with sleep apnea must spend a lot of time looking for a way to treat it. Understanding how to manage this condition is the key to getting it under control. With the tips you learned here, getting rid of sleep apnea can be done.

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